martes, 8 de marzo de 2016

Hiragana A~I~U~E~O  ひらがな あ〜い〜う〜え〜お

We are going to see how to write the letters A, I, U, E, O and also some vocabulary.

"Letter A" 

あさ(asa) means morning あめ(ame) means rain 

"Letter I"

いぬ (inu) means dog いす(isu) means chair

"Letter U"

うみ(umi) means sea うた (uta) song

"Letter E"

えき (eki) train station えのき(enoki) mushroom

"Letter O"

おかね (okane) money おなか (onaka) stomach

Here is a link were you can download some practice sheets in which you can practice your writing as well as some vocabulary. Just click down below and you search for the pdf that has the letters that we study before. 

Hiragana ひらがな

If we want to learn Japanese, it is necessary to know the basic writing that is hiragana followed by katakana and later on, you will be learning how to write in kanjis but now we are going to focus on hiragana. Here is a table were you can get an idea of what it is and this is how Japanese people learn how to write hiragana, most of Japanese families have this table were the kids can get familiar with the letters by being the drawing that are related with the letter in hiragana. 

Later on we will see a step by step of how to write each of this letters and relate them with some vocabulary.

Here is the link were you can download this hiragana table and print it out so you can see it everyday and practice!